5326 E. Pima Street, Tucson, AZ 85712
Tel: 520-441-1617
Bring in the New Year!
24-Hour Buddha Tara Prayers
Starting On New Year's Eve - Finishing on New Year's Day
Join us to request Buddha Tara bless world leaders to act with wisdom and compassion; that divisions will end; and, that the power of love will prevail throughout our country and the world.
​​We receive inconceivable benefits by reciting the 21 praises to Tara because the praises are Sutra, the actual words of Buddha. What a very powerful way to start the New Year!
​Tara Brings Protection
Tara is a manifestation of the ultimate wisdom of all the Buddhas. During our spiritual growth, Tara protects us from internal and external dangers, provides us with all the necessary conditions for our spiritual training by guiding and inspiring us with her blessings.
Tara is Our Rescuer
‘Tara’ means ‘Rescuer’. Buddha Tara is a manifestation of the purified wind element so she is able to help us very swiftly. By relying upon Buddha Tara sincerely and with strong faith, she will swiftly protect us from obstacles and fulfill our wishes. ​
​Stay Over Night: You are welcome to stay overnight at the Center so that it is easy to attend all the sessions. Please contact: info@meditationintucson.org for more information.
Do bring a dish for our New Year’s Eve Potluck supper at 6pm.
Potluck supper at 6pm Dec. 31
New Year's Eve New Year's Day
4.00 pm 4.00 am
8.00 pm 8.00 am
12.00 pm 12.00 pm