5326 E. Pima Street, Tucson, AZ 85712

Tel: 520-441-1617

Join us to learn more about Foundation Program and find out if it’s right for you! Friday, August 30, 6:30pm
New series begins Wednesday, September 4, 6:30pm
The Foundation Program gives you the opportunity to engage in a structured study and meditation program on the essential teachings of the Buddhist spiritual path right here at Kadampa Meditation Center Arizona
If after having attended General Program classes for a period of time, and you have the wish to deepen your knowledge and experience of Buddhism, the Foundation Program is the next step.
In this program, we systematically study one book at a time. We will be studying How to Understand the Mind, by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Class includes guided meditation, teachings, and discussion.
Learn more detail about the Foundation Program by clicking here.