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Mahamudra Retreat 

Gen Lingpur

Friday January 19, 2024 Public Talk
Retreat January 20 - Sunday, January 21

In person with Gen Lingpur

During the guided retreat we will have an opportunity to  gain deep experience of meditation and discover the peace and happiness that lies within. Through meditation we can uncover and purify the deepest level of our mind and use this very subtle blissful mind to meditate on ultimate truth, destroy all our negative minds at their very root and quickly reach the state of full enlightenment.  ​

Gen Lingpur will explain the meaning of Mahamudra and give commentary on the very essence of Buddha's profound teachings.

Mahamudra is the union of great bliss and emptiness – the most subtle mind that experiences great bliss and realizes ultimate truth, the way things actually exist. 

Introduction Talk
with Gen Kelsang Lingpur
Friday, 6:30 pm 


During this public talk, Gen Lingpur will explain:

  • What are the Stages of the Path

  • How to prepare for retreat

  • The benefits of doing retreat

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Retreat Schedule



Session 1: 8-9:15am

Session 2: 1-2:15pm

Session 3: 3-4:15pm

Gen Lingpur is the Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Center Arizona in Tucson. She's been a student and disciple of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for over 25 years.

cost: $15 (Free for members above Basic)

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